
Maintaining Our Crown and Outer Protector Well is A Must, Ladies

How our skin and hair look is important to us. As the saying that "your hair is your crown" and as we know also that our skin is our body's largest organ, we need to take care of them properly. Our skin and hair have done special jobs that support our life. They control our body temperature and also protect our inside organ from bacteria, viruses, and injury.

Ladies, beautiful skin is healthy skin, right? Therefore, we should make sure that we always do skincare routine, such as cleansing, toning, moisturizing, and protecting.

Age may causes some changes in our skin and hair as the decrease of collagen and elastin fiber in our skin and the decrease of hair pigment. However, sun also causes more damage than aging. Thus, the best way to keep our skin and hair healthy is to be careful in the sun and good skin and hair care involves these following ways. First, eating more healthy foods which contain a lot of vitamins and nutrients. Then keeping physically active and managing stress so our body system will work properly. Next, practicing sun safety like using sunscreen if we do outdoor activities and wearing protective clothing and hat to prevent direct contact with sunlight. Moreover, limiting the consumption of alcohol and cigarette. Most importantly, drinking plenty of water so our skin and hair will always look fresh.

Be happy, keep healthy :)

Ladies, Keep Your Breasts Healthy!

Ladies, we should be grateful to be born as women with all the beauty of our body shape. Breast for the example, is one of the assets that we need to take care of. Some women worry that their breasts are too big or too small or not as firm as they once were. However, I believe that there is one thing that every women wants, and it is healthy breasts for a lifetime.

For your information, Ladies, that just being a woman is the biggest risk factor of breast cancer. Nevertheless, we do not need to worry. You can reduce the risk of breast cancer in several ways. First of all, as being heavy can increase the risk of the disease, you have to stay at healthy weight. Then you have to do regular exercises to prevent the the disease by reducing estrogen and insulin hormones. After that, if you are an alcoholic you have to drink less liquor and you may drink wine from grapes instead as resveratrol on grapes can reduce estrogen level. In addition, you have to eat more vegetables such as broccoli and kale which are good for our breasts. Moreover, you have to know whether you have breast cancer family history or not. Most importantly, you should have a clinical breast exam at least once three years in order to detect the breast cancer as early as possible.

Well Ladies, that's all some ways that we can do to keep our breasts healthy. Do not be lazy to do them if we want to keep one of our assets well. :)
Be happy, keep healthy :)

Cervical Cancer; Bagaboo for Indonesian Women

"Every hours, Indonesian women die due to cervical cancer"

The quotation above is not only a nonsense to make us affraid or something. However, that is the fact about women health condition in Indonesia. There are many causes of the death. Even so, there is one main cause of the death, that is DIOXIN. Do you know about DIOXIN? Well, DIOXIN is a chemical compound found in any sanitary napkins which we use. Moreover, DIOXIN is used in any sanitary napkins that have bad quality. Then how can DIOXIN affect our cervical organ? I surely believe that some people still do not know about thins kind of thing, so I will explain a bit about the cause and ways to prevent the cervical cancer.

First of all, the main cause of this disease is the existence of DIOXIN. As written above that DIOXIN is a chemical compound found in our sanitary napkins that have bad quality. DIOXIN itself is the product of the bleaching process from waste paper and waste wood by using bleaching chemicals. In addition, DIOXIN is very dangerous for women health since it also causes many dangerous diseases, such as ovarium cancer, breasts cancer, immune system deficiencies, and so on. It has known as the most dangerous and the strongest chemical compound/poison. Furthermore, this compound is colorless, odorless, and formed as a result of industrial processes that use chlorine, such as paper industry, tissue industry, sanitary napkins industry, etc.

Second, the important thing is how to prevent this cervical cancer. At first, we must make sure ourselves that we maintain the hygiene of female organs well. Why do we have to do that? We must keep our female organs clean from any kinds of bacteria that might peep out somewhere in our body, especially in our female organs. Next, at the time we get menstruation, we need to be wise in choosing the sanitary napkins. Since it might be containing DIOXIN, we must choose the sanitary napkins made from cotton. Besides, nowadays, many shops are providing us herbal sanitary napkins which obviously do not contain of any chemical compound. Consequently, it is safer for our female organs.

In brief, we must be careful in keeping our health. Health is very expensive for our life. We will not choose to die, true? If we can prevent it beyond, why do we have to choose be ill? Thus, Keep your health, girls!

It is So Easy for Women to Maintain Their Health

Ladies, as women, we always want to stay beautiful, young, healthy, and vigorous. Therefore, we should always maintain our physical and mental health as the two things cannot be separated and must be maintained well.

Maintaining our health can be done by several ways. First of all, as women are susceptible to diseases for their hormones and immune are unstable, we have to know the causes and the solutions of our diseases problems. Then we must avoid negative things that can trigger the emergence of diseases. In addition, if we have known the symptoms of particular illnesses we have to take care of them and never underestimate them. Moreover, we have to manage our diet well and consume more healthy meals. Most importantly, we have to maintain our health by ourselves as it is impossible for others to take care of it except when we are ill.

Okay Ladies, the short paragraph above hopefully can help you :)
Be happy, keep healthy :)

Career Women, Why Not ?

Ladies, do you believe that quote "Life is a choice" is true? Well, for me it is true as in this world we are served by a lot of choices. Like being a career women or not is also a choice that some of women choose to be career women or just be ordinary women.

What career women is actually, I can say that they are women with all of their strength and abilities work for salaried living. They work to supplement their family income or just to remain independent. However some of them choose to be career women for they believe that they would earn their freedom if they can maintain their personal economic stability.

Nowadays, gender inequality diminish as there is no gap between men and women in jobs. The same proportion for male and female in parliamentary seats is still attempted up to now. These phenomena mean that the opportunities for us to be career women are wide-opened and get support from the government too.

Even though the issues of divorce rates have risen together with the increasing number of career women, we do not need to be afraid of it. We have to be positive to ourselves, we have to manage our time well in order to keep balance between business and housework. By doing that I think we can live as good housewives as well as successful career women.

Okay Ladies, starting from now on, decide your choices  !!! Don't be afraid of being a career woman ;)

Inspirational TV Program: Tupperware She CAN!

Hy Ladies, have you ever thought to be inspiring women? I believe that no women want to be a house wife who only do all of the house work. In fact, deep in our heart we want more than it, we want our life to be more advantageous for other and to be inspiring women are great. As the first step to change Indonesian women's life, Tupperware presents an inspirational TV program: Tupperware She CAN! In every episode, Tupperware She CAN! shows inspiring women from all over Indonesia with their confidence they succeed  in Enlightening, Educating, and Empowering themselves, their family and their environment so that they can   reach better life.

With the presence of Tupperware She CAN! It is expected that more wonderful women can color the country through their great achievement in various fields without leaving their main role as women, wives, and mothers. Enlighten other women by opening their insight and mind to foster their self-confident, to think forwardly, and improve their creativity without ignoring their role as wives and mothers in their families. Educate others by encouraging the creation of conditions which stimulate the sharing process and conduct the learning process, so that Indonesian women are more confident in educating and creating a good and healthy environment for children and their families.In addition,empower others by providing opportunities and support to encourage Indonesian women to be confident in developing their talents and skills. The goal is that they are more independent, and could have a role to contribute to the family and the community around it.

Well Ladies, now have you been confident enough to be inspiring and advantageous women for others? Explore your potency with Tupperware She CAN! The source of Indonesian women inspiration.

Hijab; Keeping Islam Syar'i but Modern As Well

In the past, wearing veil was considered being not funky. Meanwhile, women currently try to make a new style for veil users. The purpose is to make women become more confident by covering their whole body, especially wearing veil. As you can see that many women look more trendy with their veil now. Besides that, we can make a creation with our veil, so we still look pretty even though we cover the whole our body (especially our head). This creation is known as hijab. Still, it seems that many women misinterpret about hijab itself. Thus, do you know what exactly Hijab is?

Hijab is a veil which covers the head which is usualy worn by Muslim women. Actually, hijab is not particularly the item that covers women head. It refers to the rules of covering up. Nevertheless, women tend to interpret the word "Hijab" as the modern style of women who wear veil. Why is it so? In Indonesia, women call themselves as Hijabers (a term of the community of Hijab users) when they start to wear veil by making a little bit creation towards their veil. 

The creation of hijab itself is classified into the simple one and the complicated one. Moreover, Hijabers usually like to mix and match their hijab with their own style of clothing. It depends on our characteristics, whether we are casual type, feminine type, or anything else. In addition, hijabers tend to use bright colors or pastel colors for their clothing and hijab. Consequently, their style of clothing always steal people attention.

We cannot say they are wrong by using the term of hijab since it is up to the society. The important thing is how women imply this term well. Wearing veil in modern style does not mean we violate the rules of covering up. We have to still be Syar'i though. Thus, what do you think, girls? You still can be pretty and Syar'i at the same time, right? :)